- English (original) - here: Tochua Tota info_ English
- Français (contribution of A.Mertenat) - here: Tochua Tota info_ Français
- Deutsch (contribution of M.Schudoma) - here: Tochua Tota info_ Deutsch
- Español (contribution of J.Arango) - here: Tochua Tota info_ Español
Hopefully it may help to the purpose and boost the fundraising needed. Please feel free to share it to your contacts or groups in which there might be interest to support these initiatives related to bees, wetlands and rural communities, in places like ours close to the clouds in a tropical high-andean lake.
News (pic below): We have started this week with the land adequation in the property where the beehives will be alocated, and soon after we'll start to build the paths on the hillside to facilitate mobility and management of the first hives when they arrive.
Best regards,
Fundación Montecito